The Mental State of Humanity Revealed through The Year in Search on Google 2021

The Year in Search 2021 has just been released, highlighting the most searched for words on Google throughout the year. The most searched for words reveal the mental state of the world and the humanity. What are we dreaming about? What are we fearing? What are our desires? What are we missing?


As it turns out, “how to maintain mental health” was searched more this year globally than ever before. This tells us that people are struggling with how to care for their well-being. With all the hardships that this pandemic has brought us, it is no wonder that mental health is deteriorating globally. When considering all the things that has been affected by the pandemic, it’s even difficult to know where to begin.

Many of us out there have lost their jobs, career opportunities and savings. Others have lost their loved ones. People have lost hope, joy, stability and security. In addition, the ability to travel freely, to meet friends and family, to enjoy a concert or a night out, have been lost for so many of us all over the world. Obviously, all of the above will leave a mark on the mental health of the world population.

The Year in Search 2021 video shows even more search words and phrases of concern, thus revealing the true state of our humanity’s mental health and well-being. Listed below are some of the phrases people have searched for on Google this past year:


“how to heal”

“how to honour someone”

“will there be another lockdown”

“how to take care of your mental health”

“how to stay strong”

”how to be resilient”

”how to be yourself”

“what is my purpose”

“how to move forward”

“when can I visit my family”

“how to be hopeful”

All of the above phrases are connected to mental health and well-being, showing just how vulnerable the people of the world are right now. So where do we go from here? How can we move forward, going in to 2022 with purpose, meaning and hope? How do we heal? We asked our expert Pushpa, and this is what she said:


There are many ways you can work on your mental, emotional health and take control of your overall well-being. Here are a few tips:


o   Evaluate Your Situation – Have a deeper understanding of what is happening.

o   Cut Your Losses – What do you need to let go, to move on?

o   Build Healthy Relationships – Who is in your inner circle?

o   Forgive Yourself and Others – Forgiveness is the only way to inner peace and fulfillment, and everyone makes mistakes, I have done so too.

o   Get Some Exercise – Start with simple walks whilst taking deep breaths. Develop healthy physical habits.

o   Eat Right – Yes its true, what you eat is a reflection of your energy, your vibrancy and health.

o   Volunteer and Contribute – One of the 6 human needs.

o   Practice Gratitude in Each Moment – Or at least write 3 things minimal that you are grateful for and why.

o   What are your Beliefs and Purpose, and Why? – Reach out to a coach for support.

o   Value Yourself – Treat yourself with kindness and respect and avoid self-criticism, you must take care of your inner being as well as your body.

o   Learn How to Deal with Stress and Seek Support – We are here for you.

o   Use Mindfulness to Grow in Your Intellect and Focus – Learn how to quiet your mind.

o   Do You have Goals, Mission and Visions? – What are they? Set realistic goals.

o   Break up the stigma and any limiting beliefs that you have about your potential and living a greater life.


So, to all of you fighters out there – keep going, keep moving forward, try to stay positive and remember to seek help and support if needed. Pushpa and Leadership By Design are always here for you.